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  • mburke63

We Delivered

On Saturday, March 11, we went to several different homeless encampments in the Greater Manchester Area of New Hampshire. Four of us (Emily C., Ward B., Kathie R., and myself) handed out razors, feminine hygiene items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, hand sanitizer, body wash, gloves, thermal underwear, boots, hoodies, hats, and shoes.

We met up with a young man from Illinois who said that the people in his camp were hungry and in need of food. On Sunday, March 12, Linda J. another Shepherd's Way volunteer and I brought groceries to this camp (canned tuna and chicken, milk, Ensure Protein Drink, fruit, bread, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, cookies, crackers, fruit drinks, protein bars, and bottles of water).

This is what we do at Shepherd's Way and, we could use your help. Please check out Our Needs page and our Donate page here on our website to see how you can help us in this endeavor. No donation is too small and, we greatly appreciate your support.

Thank You and God Bless...

Merle Burke, President & Founder Shepherd's Way

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